Video Editing and Animation

Video Editing and Animation

Who can Join: Everyone
Course Duration: 12 Weeks
Class Medium: Online
Exam Medium: Online
Course Fee:  1000


 The course is aimed to familiarize students with the art of Video Post-Production that is the need of current Broadcast and Digital Media Industry. It is going to be productive as well as practical course so that the learners can excel in their respective fields. This intensive practice based course will encourage students to understand from basics to advance video editing, motion graphics and Vlogging skills. They will also be able to identify and discover different Production/Post production practices and develop their own style.This demanding Course is divided into 3 parts. The first two parts; “Video Editing and Animation” will involve trainees to learn the craft of editing, motion graphics, VFX, text animations and other post production techniques. The third part is about expressing yourself with the art of “Vlogging” that helps connect with people from all over the world. The videos created by the creator reach the audience all over the world and that's how it helps people connect with each other. It also helps in gaining exposure and makes the creators stand out in the community. This course will cover theory and practice of editing and focus on highlighting the roles and responsibilities of an individual carrying the fundamental skills of the expertise.This course will not only benefit an individual to learn the skill and start earning in local, international and freelance market but it will guide you make new connections and start enjoying creative and financial freedom in broadcast, film and digital media industry.

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